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Dramatists GuildThe Dramatists Guild of America is the membership association of playwrights, librettists, composers, and lyricists writing for the stage in the United States.
Best Practice for Authorial Billing | Dramatists Guild Why Billing MattersMinimally Acceptable Billing PracticesSubstandard Practices
Copyright | Dramatists Guild
The National Trade Association of Playwrights, Composers, Lyricists, aBefore The Guild In the 19th and early 20th century, playwriting was not a profession in America. A producer would pay a writer a lump sum for all rights of production and publication, and royalties were rarely paid. A “
By-Laws of the Corporation - The Constitution of the Dramatists Guild The name of this corporation shall be The Dramatists Guild of America, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “The Guild”). Its seal shall be of a design adopted by its Council. Its principal offices shall be in the City a
Code of Conduct for Community Spaces | Dramatists GuildThe Dramatists Guild of America is an organization that includes dramatic writers at various stages of their careers, born of different experiences and/or identities, with different modes of expression, different politic
Contact The Dramatists Guild of America | Dramatists Guild Land Acknowledgment The Dramatists Guild office sits on the Wickquasgeck trail (eventually renamed Broadway by the colonists who stole it) and the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Lenape.
Our Council and Committees | Dramatists GuildCommittees Dramatists Guild Committees are special task forces, formed by Council approval, with the goal of investigating and addressing a particular issue affecting our industry.
Staff | Dramatists GuildExecutive Director of Business Affairs and Advisor to Council
Opera Resources for Theatre Writers | Dramatists GuildVideo Update from the Opera CommitteeCommittee Statement
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